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Do You Have Pressed Mineral Makeup Foundations?


Why Pressed Powder In Mineral Makeup Is Not Skin Healthy

Some women have asked us if we will ever offer pressed powder in our mineral makeup formulas.  Even though we realize this can be convenient for women and some still have concern about the powders wafting in the air during application, it is still a poor method of application when it comes to keeping your skin healthy.

Pressed powder requires different elements to create a hard compact, some of which are synthetically created and / or varying types of moisture can be used.  Plus in most cases, the product is also preserved with something, which is worthless by the way in this type of application.  The problem with these added ingredients also, they can be problematic skin sensitizers.

Once we explain the reasons behind our decision to not manufacture pressed mineral makeup, women usually respond, "Wow, I hadn't actually thought of it that way.  No wonder my skin struggles still whenever I have used any type of pressed powder."  Followed by regret and frustration at not realizing the damage these pots of color can cause.

Loose powders can also be messy when rolling around inside your purse and for that very reason we have all of our mineral powders packaged in jars with lock and go sifters.  Yay, no more mess!

Here Are Other Key Reasons Why You Should Avoid Pressed Mineral Makeup

  • The pressed makeup packaging is not airtight.  Opening and closing the lid daily contributes to oxidation.
  • Daily dipping of the brush, sponge or puff into the mineral makeup powders contaminates the mineral makeup compact.
  • They are now spoiled with dirt, skin debris, facial medications, your moisturizer, and anything else you might use on your face. 
  • Basically a yucky, filthy pot of mineral makeup is being applied to your skin every day and there is absolutely no way to sanitize them.

After all, isn't the whole reason for using a mineral makeup product is to remove from our daily regimen irritating synthetics, preservatives and other ingredients which have been shown to cause skin problems?

Sterling Minerals Loose Mineral Powders provide a clean application every time!  Just keep your brushes clean by washing them a minimum of twice per month. 

Additionally, when our mineral makeup products are kept clean and dry and are stored properly, they have indefinite shelf life until opened, and there is no need for preservatives.  Yet once opened, it is advisable to discard any unused portion after about a year since potency declines.  This practice will provide you the best integrity of receiving the maximum benefit of all inherent ingedients used in our formulas.

Still Having Concerns About The Loose Mineral Powders Wafting In The Air?

We have good news in this regard!  Our moist method of application removes this concern due to how we formulated our mineral makeup.  Our mineral powders do not require endless buffing to apply them.  Always just Press, Sweep, and Buff lightly.  That is all that is ever needed! 

Using our mineral makeup brushes helps alleviate powder fly away, and by avoiding open fluffy brushes will keep dusting particles from flying around the room.

You can also spritz our Perfect Balance Facial Toner or distilled water directly to the skin or apply a dab of additional moisturizer to the face and then apply your foundation.  This completely reduces powder fallout and wafting around the face while also providing a beautiful creamy foundation finish.  Never worry about your mineral foundation caking or grabbing.  Our minerals can always be buffed out to perfection without streaking or a blotchy effect.

No other mineral makeup brand on the market can provide this to the wearer.  In all other makeup applications the skin must be completely dry, free from moisture to avoid caking on the skin and the brush cannot be moist otherwise you'll end up with a blotchy effect. 

If you want more information on the nano scale size of the minerals we use, we happily answer that question as it relates to micronized mineral makeup.