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Mineral Makeup & Skin Care Ingredient FAQ's


Are You Totally Confused When It Comes To Mineral Makeup Or Skincare Ingredients?

Does the information you locate conflict costantly leaving you scratching your head?  Then you have found your best resource for ending the confusion.  You simply want to know or understand what is happening with your skin or what mineral makeup or skincare ingredients contained in your favorite products are safe versus might be too harsh or potentially harmful. 

Just The Facts On Ingredients Please!

We always provide scientific facts and research for providing the best information.  We bust beauty industry myths and remove the hype or pseudo science seen throughout the beauty industry depending on a preference.  This includes jargon using skewed science by some beauty brands for marketing a skincare or mineral makeup product.

Visit us often for continued updates as questions are asked by our customers who only want true facts surrounding certain ingredients used in all beauty products, including mineral makeup and skin care.  Simply click on the questions below best suited to your needs to get the complete answers.


Although Green Tea Extracts and Antioxidants Vitamin A, C and E are all beneficial to skin health and are shown scientifically to fight aging caused by free radical damage, the science can be skewed.  We'll show you their true benefits and the type of cosmetic medium it requires to reap the full purported benefits.

Celiac disease brings up the question, does my mineral makeup, skincare or any beauty product I use need to be gluten free? We'll show you the medical facts, including those provided by the Mayo Clinic, which will help you with the process of knowing what ingredients that are safe and without issue for your celiac disorder.  The answer may surprise you!

This is an excellent question and it has been posed many times by our customers, and is indicative of the confusion surrounding the antiquated information on the internet referencing Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. The not so simple and sometimes confusing answer, is they can be considered both minerals and chemicals!

Many women have written to us about the angst and problems surrounding the past use of Bismuth Oxychloride found in their mineral makeup products.  Even though they have stopped using this ingredient, some are still experiencing some slight itching and are concerned with what is happening with their face and whether or not they will ever recover.

Bismuth Oxychloride wreaks havoc on a woman's skin and it isn't a natural ingredient.  It is created through a chemical process that contains dubious ingredients as well.  If you aren't sure of what causes your rosacea or acne to flare or you skin to itch, this could possibly be the answer you have been seeking.

Our Jojoba oil is 100% pure and certified organic, and is an oil found to have the closest affinity with our skin.  It has soothing qualities for women that suffer with rosacea, dermatitis, acne and psoriasis.  We'll also explain how it can affect the texture and aroma of your mineral powders.

Mica and glitter are completely different because their particle size is worlds apart.  Slight shimmery particles are not what give that glitter ball effect to the face.  Mica has many attributes, including different finishes.  Let us show you!

Carmine is an ingredient that may not always be avoided if you don't know its' many pseudonyms found on mineral makeup and lipstick ingredient labels.  Carmine is also used in foodstuffs unbeknownst to many consumers.   Check out the many different names manufacturers hide this colorant behind.

Methicone used in our mineral cosmetics will not clog pores, cause acne, or prevent skin from so called "breathing" as some want to proclaim.  Silicone derivatives are not as sinister as one might think and problems only arise depending on how they are used in a formula.

We explain the differences in types of Coconut Oil and which one is skin healthy providing actual nourishing benefits with fatty acid lauric acid followed by the scientific research showing the results of using this ingredient.

Many mineral makeup companies in their advertising postulate that use of rice starch and other food starches in traditional makeup or mineral makeup like Oat, Soy, Arrowroot, and Corn, to name a few, feed or support bacteria and stimulate its' growth on the face.  This may be the popular belief, but they are not supported by scientific evidence.

Some other mineral makeup brands try to push the ideal that minerals that include rice powder within the formula will contribute to bacterial growth, especially when it is stored in your bathroom or is applied with moisture.  Unfotunately this is not supported by actual science but simply a marketing tactic to scare the consumer.

There have been some concerns about the ingredient silica being used in mineral makeup products.  Certain "silica" powders were confused with another, or considered one in the same, and all of a sudden there are big warnings with alarm bells about avoiding silica since it would cause lung disease and cancer.  This is a complete Misnomer!

Mineral makeup formulators have used terms like micronized minerals and non micronized minerals.  This has been the way mineral makeup ingredients have been described for determining the best option for coverage and skin health.  However, in an era promoting cosmetic safety, the correct scientific terminology should be defined for the consumer.

We have had a few women that are concerned about using any mineral makeup that contains mica.  Some women are convinced that mica is a factor as to why they continue to have a reaction with their skin after applying mineral makeup.  Especially confusing, this occurs after they eliminated the leading irritant Bismuth Oxychloride from their mineral makeup.

Boron Nitride is safe in mineral makeup products, is shown not to be an environmental toxin and does not elevate testosterone levels despite internet myths.  We'll explain it's composition including the difference between the misperception of the mineral "boron" and the finished ingredient boron nitride.

Cosmetics and skincare ingredients getting absorbed into the skin is more rhetoric than actual science.  We have done all the research including showing the actual science which refutes the NGO's pseudo science claims.  To date there is no peer reviewed research in human studies to support the claims made by the EWG and Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

Are you confused by cosmetic and skincare product labels?  Many women are and really don't even understand the language used in a description of most ingredients.  We will help you understand how to read an ingredient label, including what is legally required by our beauty industry so you can be a savvy consumer and make the best choice.

Mineral makeup companies offer a variety of products to the consumer for different mineral makeup applications, such as loose powder, pressed powder, liquid foundation and cream.  Of course for safety reasons, most use preservatives to prevent bacterial, fungal and mold growth which then can create a whole new set of problems for your skin.

Some women have come to us complaining about dry, scaly patches of the eyelid, or that their eyelids were itchy all the time combined with their eyes being red and watery whenever it seemed they wore makeup or eyeshadow.  Countless dermatologists over the years often blamed it on eczema or seasonal allergies.  There maybe another reason!

Talc used in makeup and skincare products has many reporting how toxic or unsafe it is and will cause cancer.  Unfortunately, most of what they report is false or is based on pseudo science.  We provide the scientific research in regard to personal care products containing Talc in order to set the record straight and eliminate confusion.

Reports from the EPA in 2010 have shown conclusively the safety of Titanium Dioxide and is supported by the SCCS of the EU in 2013.  Using this ingredient safely also boils down to the differences between Anatase and Rutile.  Learn the differences of these two forms.

Some are concerned about free radical damage (aging) occurring to the face when using products that contain Titanium Dioxide.  Fortunately the science is available and this is the followup to our article in regard to the safety of Titanium Dioxide as reported by the European Union and the EPA. 

Women that call and write to us are still confused about the problems with Bismuth Oxychloride found in many commercial brands of mineral makeup.  They want to know if it is safe or if the harm it caused their skin is now permanent, or if it is really the best ingredient to use by women with acne or rosacea.

There are certain ingredients which are not safe for lips that are incorporated into eyeshadow shades.  FDA strictly regulates colorants and it is vital you know what ingredients are not apporved safe for use on the lips.  Unfortunately, some small indie companies use them, so always read your ingredients before use.

Lead in lipstick is not the so called "poison that is killing us" that some NGO's claim it is.  We show you actual science dictates the numbers as to risk or harm regarding safe lipstick use.  Worry and concern is being propagated by many based on exaggerated claims, skewed numbers and pseudo science. 

We have espoused the skin healthy benefits Rice Powder (Oryza Sativa) offers the user when applied to the skin in different applications.  It continues to be a safe ingredient in our mineral makeup products.  Media hype has not altered our opinion as to the safety of our rice starch being used in our mineral cosmetics and we have provided the facts, clearly.

We only use additional ingredients proven beneficial to the skin and assist with reduction in irritation and help promote soothing comfort allowing skin to improve.  The word "filler" is sales hype and this term is used by so called cosmetic experts, repackagers and competitors to attack products without a working knowledge of the true context.

This is a nifty sales gimmick and it is creating confusion as to whether or not this will actually moisturize the skin.  It is in a loose sense traditional mineral makeup, however the minerals are infused with water through the use of an ingredient which creates a chemical reaction.  We have the science behind the mysterious ingredient provided with a fun video.